Jan 15, 2020 | Articles & Videos, Things Happen
Review Your Annual Insurance Policies As life evolves, it’s essential to keep your insurance coverage up to date. One of the best times to do this is when you’re already reviewing your financial situation, or during any routine check-ins. Whether...Nov 6, 2019 | Articles & Videos, Things Happen
Everyone is at risk for being the target of a personal liability lawsuit, possibly for millions of dollars. But some people are more at risk than others, especially if they have a lot of assets. Here are some real liability claims that could happen to anyone: “A...
Jul 24, 2019 | Articles & Videos, Things Happen
Did you know the State of Maine has a statute allowing for up to $750,000 for wrongful death lawsuits? Are you covered? The State of Maine has a wrongful death lawsuit statute,that states when a person causes the death of another person under certain circumstances,...Mar 22, 2019 | Articles & Videos, Things Happen
Who’s at fault – rear-end collision “I braked suddenly because a cat ran into the road and the car behind me rear-ended my car. Who’s at fault in this rear-end collision?” In nearly all cases, rear-end collisions are the fault of the driver of the vehicle...Mar 4, 2019 | Articles & Videos, Personal Finance, Things Happen
You’ve probably seen the ads by some big name insurers (some of whom we represent) about a perk called “Accident Forgiveness.” What is it? Insurance companies rate policies by calculating the potential risk of insuring certain people and vehicles. If...Jan 28, 2019 | Articles & Videos, Personal Finance, Things Happen
Should I buy flood insurance? If it is required by a lender during the purchase of a property, that question is often answered for you. If the bank doesn’t require it, you then must make that decision on your own, because flood damage is not covered by...