Tips for Driving in Snowstorms in Maine
Every year, thousands of accidents happen on Maine roads, many because of snowstorms making driving conditions difficult. Don’t be a casualty. Follow these tips for safety!
Know Your Brakes:
The best way to stop on Maine’s snow-covered roads is to keep your heel on the floor and apply steady pressure with the ball of your foot, whether or not you have anti-lock brakes.
Accelerate and Decelerate Slowly:
To avoid skidding and maintain traction, start moving more slowly and allow more time and distance for slowing down.
Don’t Stop If It Can Be Avoided:
If you can slow down without coming to a complete stop at traffic lights, your vehicle will maintain its inertia and be easier to get moving again.
Don’t Power Up Hills:
This will help you avoid spinning your tires and maintain better control of your vehicle on Maine’s hilly roads.
Avoid Stopping When Going Up A Hill:
If you come to a complete stop on an incline, it can be difficult to get your vehicle moving forward again.
Increase Your Follow Distance:
To allow for the reduced visibility and longer braking times in a snowstorm, maintain a longer distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you. Aim for a minimum following distance of 10 seconds.
Drive Slowly:
Remember that everything takes longer in a snowstorm, including starting and stopping. Make sure to account for these conditions and take your time while driving.
Remain Home If At All Possible:
If it’s safe to do so, it’s always best to stay off the roads during a snowstorm to avoid any unnecessary risks.